The World May Be Headed for a Fragmented ‘Splinternet’

Davey Alba at Wired muses that we are headed towards a “splinternet”: an internet that is different depending on the country of origin. There are two unfortunate realities to this. First, this is already true, in his own acknowledgement. Second, it is inevitable. What’s worrying isn’t that there are different internets; it’s that there’s a max-censored one.

Deep Learning: A superficial look

Deep Learning is the machine intelligence du jour, being peddled from the largest companies to the smallest startups. Google claims it’s backing their search, Niantic claims to be using it to sniff out cheaters, and Apple is, well, Apple-ish about it. If we cut away the buzz, what is it and why is it important?

I ask 100 information questions to four digital assistants. All of them fail at least half.

After seeing the poor feedback of Watson in Bridge Crew, I decided to take my four digital assistants for a spin. After 21 questions across four assistants, I learned that Alexa cannot give basic information about Amazon Prime videos, none of them can properly understand which movie you’re looking for information for, and none of them can actually recommend stuff. Also, Google still needs to learn how to round up.